četrtek, 3. maj 2012

O umetnosti, filozofiji, originalih, kopijah, ljubezni ...

Kiarostami je spet zadel. V živo. Odličen film, prepričljiva protagonista, Juliette je navdihujoča, njuni pogovori pa ... ah. Res film, o katerem se lahko veliko pogovarjaš, veliko razmišljaš. Priporočam!

-I'm afraid there is nothing really simple about being simple. ... (malo pozneje) - You were saying? Yes, that it's difficult to be simple? Is that it? Well, we're not worms, we're not supposed to be simple. We're complex beings. And where is the line between simple person and simple mind?

-I see where you are going. ... I don't know where we are now and ... we're just meandering around with no goal.
-Well, that's fine with me. Intentionally aimless.

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